

In recent years, the visibility of issues related to the LGBTI+ community of Azerbaijan has grown significantly, thanks largely to the contributions of LGBTI+ themselves. Whether speaking out about their experiences or taking a stand as activists with open identities, they are at the forefront of this movement.

To sustain community-building and engagement in an informed, effective, and safe manner, Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance adopted a volunteer engagement strategy in 2022.

Founded on the Theory of Change, this strategy aims to support LGBTI+s interested in civic engagement and community work, and facilitate the process by ensuring that Nafas is a meaningful place for community members to volunteer.

Our Commitment


We empower community members to get involved in volunteering, fostering a sense of ownership and contribution.

Engagement Opportunities

We introduce various opportunities for volunteers to get involved, supplementing and increasing their engagement.

Training and Education

We develop training and educational opportunities to bolster the diverse skills and expertise of Nafas volunteers.

Inclusive Decision-Making

We actively involve volunteers in decision-making processes, ensuring their voices are heard and valued.