The unique challenges faced by the Azerbaijani LGBTIQ+ community, including socio-economic isolation and widespread homophobia and transphobia, significantly impact our mental well-being and safety. Often, these mental health challenges and needs go overlooked and unaddressed.

At Nafas, we believe that strengthening individual mental health is crucial to increasing the collective strength and resilience of our community. We are dedicated to supporting our community members in taking care of their personal health and becoming more resilient in the face of societal challenges.

Since 2020, one of the key opportunities we offer to achieve this is our annual Queer Camps, organized each summer. Over the years, we have successfully organized 21 camps, attracting more than 250 queers.  

Self-care Is Resistance!

What I loved the most was during the discussion, how our personal experiences were both similar and unique. While others talked, I forgot the loneliness and found motivation in those experiences.

Testimonial #1

This was my first time at the camp. The mental health discussions were the most memorable part for me. Hearing other people's thoughts and experiences made me feel less alone.

Testimonial #2

I was impressed by how inclusive the camp was and appreciated the care shown towards newcomers who were in a social environment with the community for the first time. When some used problematic language, they were treated with care and patience, and any problematic language was addressed in a constructive way.

Testimonial #3

I have been participating in Nafas camps in the past, but this was the first time I could attend with my partner. I thank everyone in the Nafas team for creating a safe and loving day for us. That day made me feel alive, happy and didn’t want to go back. I wish we could spend more time together

Testimonial #4