Parallel Report 2nd Voluntary National Review Azerbaijan AGENDA 2030

This parallel report drafted by Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance aims to highlight whether improvement of the social security and health- care system, improvement of legislation, the development of civil society addresses address unique needs and challenges faced by LGBTI+ population.

The global initiatives for transforming the world have been instrumental for the development agenda of Azerbaijan since 2000. Azerbaijan was actively engaged in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Having joined the Millennium Declaration in 2000, crafted its national development strategy, which was reflected in state programs. International comparisons show that Azerbaijan is doing well on many indicators.

UN’s Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development requires all countries to take ambitious measures to improve social justice, the state of the environment and economic sustainability– nationally and internationally. An extensive international program for ensuring conditions where all life can thrive is a great achievement in itself. The program includes 17 goals, which makes it the most comprehensive endeavour of its kind in history. The 2030 Agenda offers an opportunity to change society and achieve significant progress that also requires inclusion of LGBTI+s to the implementation of the global goals as well as to broader development activities, to gain fully, fairly and equally contribution of everyone to sustainable growth.

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