Panel Discussion Explores Intersection of Feminist and LGBTQI+ Mobilisation

Fighting Against Exploitative Power and Conservatism

Questioning the Complementarity of the Movements

Inclusivity of the Local Feminist Movement

Proposals for Effective Collaboration

On March 9th, the Baku Community Space hosted a panel discussion on the intersection of feminist and LGBTQI+ mobilisation organised by Nafas LGBTI and Q-Collective. The event, titled “The Visibility of LGBTQI+ Experiences in Feminist Mobilization,” was moderated by Cavid Nəbiyev, a well-known LGBTQI+ activist from Nafas LGBTI.

Fighting Against Exploitative Power and Conservatism

The discussion focused on the fight against exploitative power and conservatism by both feminist and LGBTQI+ movements. The panellists highlighted the institutionalisation of normative structures that make their lives difficult and the hegemony of the system and its discourse on sexuality and gender.

Questioning the Complementarity of the Movements

The panellists – Azad Bəxti, Əli Məlikov, Leyla Həsənova, and Lili Nazarov – questioned how much these two movements – LGBTI+ and feminist movements complement each other. They explored the overlap and divergence of the issues faced by feminists and members of LGBTQI+ community and how they can work together more effectively.

Inclusivity of the Local Feminist Movement

Another topic discussed was whether the local feminist movement is inclusive of LGBTQI+ community. The panellists acknowledged the importance of an inclusive feminist movement and called for more collaboration between the two communities.

Proposals for Effective Collaboration

The panellists representing LGBTI+ initiatives and organisations put forward proposals for more effective collaboration between the feminist and LGBTQI+ communities. They emphasised the importance of mutual support, solidarity, and intersectionality in their fight against discrimination and oppression.

The panel discussion provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and reflection on the challenges faced by the feminist and LGBTQI+ movements in Azerbaijan. By highlighting the need for collaboration and inclusivity, the event offered valuable insights for those working towards a more equitable and just society.

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