Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance Holds First Meeting with Volunteers

Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance held its first meeting with volunteers on March 14th, marking an important milestone in the organisation’s mission to promote LGBTI+ rights in Azerbaijan.

The meeting served as an introduction for the volunteers to each other and to the activities and goals of Nafas LGBTI. The organisation is dedicated to transforming Azerbaijan into a country where every LGBTI+ individual is free, equal and safe. Nafas LGBTI aims to achieve this through advocacy, community building and amplifying queer voices from Azerbaijan.

As an independent LGBTI+ rights organisation, Nafas LGBTI is committed to promoting the diversity and integration of marginalised communities into social and political life. The organisation strives to advance the discourse on human rights in line with the principles of justice and equality.

The meeting was attended by a diverse group of volunteers who share a common goal of promoting LGBTI+ rights in Azerbaijan. The volunteers were excited to learn more about Nafas LGBTI and its activities, and to begin working towards creating a more inclusive and accepting society in Azerbaijan.

Nafas LGBTI is proud to have such a dedicated and passionate group of volunteers who are committed to working towards a better future for LGBTI+ individuals in Azerbaijan. The organisation looks forward to collaborating with its volunteers to achieve its mission of promoting equality, safety and freedom for all LGBTI+ individuals in the country.