IDAHOBIT Week 2023 Baku: What is ahead?

17th May is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. On this global day, as LGBTQI+s, we stand against any targeting of our marginalized identities based on gender identity, sexual orientation, class, and other forms of discrimination.

On this global occasion, we wish to draw attention to the necessity of more legal and political reforms in Azerbaijan to ensure justice and protection under the motto of “Justice and Protection for All.”

We have planned several activities for the week of May 11-17. Throughout the week, we will be publishing two podcasts that have been prepared with the help of our volunteers.

In addition, we will be also holding a community event dedicated for the experiences of queers with law enforcement bodies, and with the police in particular.

Follow us on Instagram for more to come ahead the IDAHOBIT Week 2023 Baku.