Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance is a voluntary, self-governing, non-governmental, non-commercial, and non-political grassroots organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of the LGBTI+ community and women* in Azerbaijan.

Our journey began on a winter night in 2012, when everything that stood as bearable, such as norms, settings, and surroundings, all became unbearable for TWO queers living in Sumqayit, a city located near Baku. 

Now, we are a collective united under the rainbow with a dream of an Azerbaijan where every LGBTIQ+ individual and woman* feels free, equal, and safe.


Our vision reflects our unwavering commitment to the principle of expansion over inclusion, envisioning a society built across a landscape of differences, accommodating and celebrating all forms of diversity.
We aspire to live in a society that is just and fair to all, where:
- People's sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics do not lead to violence or other forms of aggression.
- LGBTIQ+ and women* are enabled to contribute, flourish, and live authentically and with dignity.



Achieving true equality and social justice requires more than just legal changes; it demands a shift in societal attitudes. We are dedicated to dismantling deep-seated prejudices and harmful practices that continue to affect LGBTI+ individuals and women*. Our mission is:
- To speak to the realities of LGBTIQ+s and women* in Azerbaijan.
- To advocate for the effective enjoyment of human rights by LGBTIQ+s and women*, ensuring their inclusion in all aspects of society, with particular attention to those who are marginalized and under-represented within the community.


Critical Components of Our Work

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We believe in the power of a united and empowered community. Our efforts focus on creating safe spaces where the community can come together, share experiences, and support one another, serving as a platform for strengthening the sense of belonging and unity.
By fostering an environment of mutual respect and understanding, we empower community members to become active participants and leaders of the community.
We provide training and educational opportunities to enhance diverse skills and offer various avenues for increasing their engagement and expertise, ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to advocate effectively for the recognition and protection of the human rights of LGBTI+s and women* in Azerbaijan.

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Visibility of LGBTI+ and women* experiences is crucial for driving societal change. At Nafas, we utilize various platforms and creative methods to amplify these voices by bringing their realities to the forefront.
We believe in the transformative power of personal stories to shift perspectives and foster empathy; therefore, lived experiences form the cornerstone of our awareness-raising strategy.
Our efforts include community gatherings, panel discussions, cultural events, podcasts, exhibitions, social media engagements, and more.

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At Nafas, we believe that informed action is effective action. It is our responsibility to ground our initiatives in evidence-based research, ensuring not only relevance and efficacy but also that our efforts meet the needs and expectations of the community we serve.
We utilize various tools to understand the lived experiences, challenges, and needs of LGBTI+s and women* in Azerbaijan. By collecting and analyzing this data, we tailor our programs and advocacy efforts to address the most pressing issues faced by our community.
We develop audio, video, and written materials, as well as toolkits, to support the community. Our knowledge production extends to creating reports, briefs, and publications. These documents are shared with relevant stakeholders and the broader public, aiming to raise awareness and inform decision-making processes. In addition to producing our research, we collaborate with regional and international human rights organizations and independent scholars.

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Legal and policy advocacy is a cornerstone of our work.
We engage in strategic litigation to challenge discriminatory laws and practices, seeking to set legal precedents that protect and advance the human rights of LGBTI+s and women*. 
We work closely with allied legal practitioners and lawyers. We develop shadow reports for international human rights mechanisms and participate in regional and global advocacy spaces. Our advocacy efforts also include public awareness campaigns, aiming to shift public opinion and influence relevant stakeholders, garnering their support for our advocacy efforts. 
We partner with local civil society organizations, as well as regional and international human rights organizations, to amplify the impact of our advocacy.