Rainbow Map and Index 2023

For over a decade, ILGA-Europe’s Rainbow Map and Index has been a crucial tool for benchmarking LGBTQI+ rights across Europe. In the present edition, Malta continues to hold the number one spot, while Azerbaijan ranks last with a score of…

Survey: Needs Assessment for Mental Health Camp

Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance is inviting community members to help plan a mental health focused summer camp. The camp aims to create a safe and inclusive environment where LGBTQI+s can comfortably discuss their mental health issues and receive necessary support.…

Nafas organised training on queer journalism

Nafas Azerbaijan Alliance for LGBTI organised a one-day training program called “Queer Journalism” related to article writing. During the training, theoretical knowledge on storytelling was shared with the participants, and practical exercises related to preparing articles were conducted. The training…

May 1 – Labour Day

May 1 – Labour Day Queerphobia divides the class! As the Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance, we join the global celebration of International Workers’ Day on May 1st, and we reaffirm our commitment to the struggle for the rights and dignity…

Solidarity with LBTQI+ women | Lesbian Visibility Week

As the world celebrates Lesbian Visibility Week, Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance joins the global community in showing solidarity with LBTQI+ women and non-binary people. This week aims to celebrate lesbians and raise awareness of the challenges faced by LBTQI+ women,…

“A and 24 Others” Film

Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance introduces a new podcast. The topic of the podcast is “A and 24 others” film by Vusala Hajiyeva and her creative works. In this podcast, Nigar and the founder of “Transvisionary” and film director Vusala Hajiyeva…

Twitter Censors Terms Associated with LGBTQI+

atform, sparking concerns among users and activists. On Saturday, 1 April, Twitter users noticed that tweet previews in direct messages (DMs) were not showing up for tweets containing words such as “trans”, “LGBT”, “LGBT+” and “BLM” (Black Lives Matter). Instead,…