#BakuPride2024: No one must be left behind!

As we mark Pride Month, LGBTQI+ communities worldwide celebrate the achievements and resilience of our movements while recognizing the ongoing challenges our communities face. 

Despite the challenges of these times when our existence is more at risk, we choose to come together once again at Baku Pride Week, to make our voices heard and to say: No one should be left behind! 

In Azerbaijan, we, the LGBTI community continue to face significant obstacles, from social stigma to legal discrimination. In the backdrop of such difficult times, when LGBTI+ rights are more at risk, we have also witnessed significant milestones that demonstrate our resilience, commitment, and strength of our community. Since the last Pride Month, we continued to come together for various occasions, including Transremembrance Week in November 2023, Local Week Against LGBTI+ Phobia in Azerbaijan in January 2024, and IDAHOT Week in May 2024. 

In March 2024, the 4th cycle of the Universal Periodic Review took place, marking a landmark moment with Azerbaijan receiving 10 LGBTI+ specific recommendations. The fact that all recommendations were noted is a step forward, showing that our concerns are being recognized at an international level. This progress is a testament to our persistent advocacy and the growing acknowledgment of LGBTI+ rights within global forums.

Furthermore, this year, the European Court of Human Rights announced its decision in the case of A and 24 others v. Azerbaijan, the first LGBTI+-themed case ever. While the court’s decision did not hold the government accountable for human rights violations, it is noteworthy that the government admitted to violating Convention rights. This admission is a significant opportunity for future advocacy and litigation, paving the way for enhanced recognition and protection of LGBTI+ rights in Azerbaijan. 

Our journey continues with determination. We recognize that achieving true equality and social justice requires more than just legal changes. It can only be achieved when every member of our society is acknowledged and celebrated. Among other things, it demands a shift in societal attitudes and the dismantling of deep-seated prejudices.  Therefore, the motto of this year reflects our unwavering commitment to the principle of expansion over inclusion, envisioning a society that is built across the landscape of our differences, accommodating and celebrating all forms of diversity. 

Expansion means actively building a society that accommodates and celebrates all forms of diversity. It involves creating policies and practices that not only protect but also uplift marginalized communities, thus ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to contribute, flourish, and live authentically and with dignity.

This Pride Month, we call on all members of society to take steps toward greater understanding and acceptance. United under the rainbow, we invite everyone to reflect on their own biases and challenge the harmful stereotypes and practices that continue to marginalize and harm our community.

No one must be left behind!
May no one face discrimination because of their sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and self-expression!
May we not face mobbing and bullying at workplaces, educational institutions, in public spaces and streets, in cafes and restaurants.
May no one face social, economic, cultural, and political discrimination!
May no one lose a friend, child, co-worker, childhood friend, classmate, or family member because of being gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans woman, trans man, non-binary, and other identities!

Let us not forget that it is a collective commitment to ensure that everyone, regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, is recognized, valued, respected, and empowered to thrive and participate fully and equally in all areas of life.

Happy Pride!