Nafas LGBTI Azerbaijan Alliance is a non-political, non-commercial, voluntarily self-governing grassroots collective dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of the LGBTI+ community in Azerbaijan.

Our journey began on a winter night in 2012, when everything that stood as bearable, such as norms, settings, and surroundings, all became unbearable for two queers living in Sumqayit. Now, we are a collective united under the rainbow dreaming of an Azerbaijan where every LGBTIQ+ feels free, equal, and safe.


Our vision reflects our unwavering commitment to the principle of expansion over inclusion, envisioning a fair and equal society built on differences and embracing diversity. We aspire to live in a society that is just and fair to all, where:
- People's sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions do not lead to violence or other forms of aggression.
- Everyone, including LGBTI+ people, participates in the economic, cultural, and political life of society by living in free and dignified living conditions.


To achieve social justice and true equality, legal changes alone are not enough. For this to happen, a fundamental change in society’s approach is needed. Yes, this change takes time, and our mission is to facilitate that change by working to break deep-rooted prejudices and harmful practices in the social, economic, political, and cultural life of society. ensuring their inclusion in all aspects of society, with particular attention to those who are marginalized and under-represented within the community.


What We Do

Critical Components of Our Work

We believe that informed action is effective action. Therefore, we utilize various tools to understand the lived experiences, challenges, and needs of the LGBTI+ community in Azerbaijan, tailoring our programs and advocacy efforts to address the most pressing issues facing our community. This approach ensures not only the relevance and efficacy of our activities but also demonstrates the care we take in meeting the needs of the community we represent.